For the past week or so we haven't really been up to much. Because we visited all of the touristy sites in the two weeks after we arrived, we're left with finally setting in. We're no longer tourists, we live here. I've been asked for directions by two people! With Scottish accents! I've had to tell a Scottish person how to get to the Subway. I believe that was my official induction into local living, being able to give directions to people who actually live in this country. I've done it, I'm one of them now!
Now we're just waiting for our programme to start on Monday, and waiting has been the hardest part. I only brought enough money for roughly three weeks knowing that we'd be getting our first disbursement soon, so when i got the first disbursement for our student loans on Monday I was pretty stoked. However, our Scottish bank has to hold it for four days, so we won't have access to it 'til Friday...and let me tell you what...
Other than that, it's just kind of felt like the calm before the storm. We've been to two induction seminars, one for the College of Science and Engineering, and one for just our school, the School of Computing Science. The inductions go over what to expect here at the school and in the programme you're enrolled in (mostly the boring administrative stuff). They've talked more times that I would like about how difficult it may be for us because of the level of work expected of Master's students. All I can do is think to myself, "I totally got this. It may be difficult at times, but I can totally get the hang of it..." I might be a fool for thinking it'll be something I can get the hang of easily, or that I won't be the person that struggles, but it's all I can do to assure myself that I'll be able to get through it. If you're a fool for psyching yourself up in the face of adversity, then...